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Exclusive Manchester & Cheshire Escort Samantha just loves making her fans feel like a million dollars...

As she walked in, my jaw dropped. She was stunning. Of course, nursing a designer bottled beer at a corner table of this exclusive bar, I expect to see gorgeous women passing through the door, but the constant stream of beauties rarely makes me turn my head like this siren does. This little hottie could literally stop traffic.

Sashaying to the bar proffering a big red note, she immediately garnered the attention of every suited and booted guy in the room – wedding rings present or otherwise. She leaned into the bar as she ordered her drink, a tasteful and alluring flash of youthful, pert cleavage whetting the appetite of the hipster bartender who, despite his carefully oiled beard and astonishing mixology skills, could only dream of snaring a model babe like that. I watched, interested, as she looked casually around the room while she waited for her drink, no doubt eyeing up the male fare. I wasn’t surprised to see that her chosen beverage was a cool glass of Champagne – this one clearly had expensive tastes. She crossed her legs elegantly on a tall bar stool, sipping from her glass and smiling increasingly awkwardly as one guy after another tried his luck.

Ten minutes later, she sauntered over to my table and asked me if I minded if she sat down. I was speechless for a split second – it was almost as if she’d gone out of her way to attract the attention of the room, before focusing on me. And now every guy was staring my way wondering what I’d got that they hadn’t. She looked even better close up and that tiny, figure-hugging black dress clung to her slender shape and exposed those long legs so invitingly that my words nearly stuck in my throat, but I quickly recovered and invited her to make herself comfortable.

       “I hope you don’t mind,” she said, smiling openly “but some of those men at the bar are driving me crazy. They are so obvious. I saw you sitting alone, so I decided to take a chance to get the hounds off my trail.”

       “I guess it is kind of like a fox hunt,” I chuckled in reply, “You can stay at my table as long as you like. Would you care for another drink?”

       “Why, that’s awfully decent of you,” she purred, “You could share a bottle of Champagne with me if you’d like?”

From that point as we talked, we drew bit by bit and almost imperceptibly closer as the Champagne bottle slowly emptied and the conversation became ever more personal and flirtatious.

       “You know,” she said, dipping the tip of her finger into her Champagne flute and running the wetness around the edge seductively with a fingertip, “I’m aware that guys think I’m very attractive and, well, it would be false modesty for me to say otherwise – after all I like the attention. But it may surprise you to know that I’m a little new to this.”

       “I wouldn’t have known that," I replied. "With your looks, intelligence and confidence, I wouldn’t be surprised if you had an admiring date every night.”

 She smiled and batted those long lashes at me, “Unfortunately, that’s what most men think, which is why I only reserve myself for those who truly appreciate me.” She leaned in, giving me a tantalising view of firm, golden cleavage and enveloping me in her intoxicating perfume before placing a soft kiss on my lips. I closed my eyes, giving myself up to the sensation of her lips on mine, every nerve ending alert, astonishingly aware of the jealous stares I was receiving from every man in the bar. In my Boss suit and shined Italian leather shoes, I was no different from every other well-heeled, well-off businessman in the bar, but with her at my side, I felt like Mick Jagger.

Uncomfortably aware of the swelling in my crotch that had appeared with her kiss and the sight of those long legs with their lace stocking tops only just in view under that little black number, I suggested that we take a fresh bottle of Champagne upstairs to my suite where we could relax and get to know each other.  She smiled knowingly at me and stood, taking my hand to lead me out of the bar and towards the lift as every male face turned our way, envy written bitterly over every feature.

As the lift doors closed and she pulled me in for another kiss by my silk tie, I knew I’d made the right choice in booking Samantha tonight. I had a feeling that this stunning, elite escort was going to be every bit what I needed...

If you’d like to live the rock star life and feel like a million dollars with a genuine stunner on your arm, give our Manchester escort agency a call today and book any one of our classy, intelligent and very sexy companions. Samantha is a new model-type Manchester escort who covers the city centre and Cheshire too. She is able to visit you in your home, hotel or venue of your choice for a night you’ll never forget.

Call Secrets Escorts Manchester and North West to book your outcall with Samantha or any of our elite escorts in Manchester. 

0161 798 6769