Christmas is a bit like Marmite: you either love it or hate it. Personally I’m not a big fan – too much pressure to buy, buy, buy and too little emphasis on relaxation and spending time with those you love. For many adults there’s also the burden of giving children (or in my case, dogs) the best Christmas possible. Every year adults get themselves further into debt with all the unhappiness and worry that brings just to try and make Christmas a happy one. Ironic really.
If you’re struggling for cash this year and you need some last-minute part-time work to boost your reserves, why not consider becoming a Manchester escort? At Secrets we’re still interviewing for escort jobs in Manchester right up until December 20th, so there are still 2 weeks left to apply and attend an interview in time to start escort work before Christmas.
Many of our best Manchester escorts tell us that Christmas is the best time of year to start working as an escort in Manchester. People are generally in a happy, festive mood, anticipating a couple of weeks’ down time and stocking up on food and booze in preparation for the big day. And then there are the parties… At Secrets, once party season is underway, our Manchester escorts are quids in. The sequinned dresses come out, the heels get higher and the nights can last, well, days! For new escorts starting in December, it’s big money, fast – which is perfect if you want to make Christmas unforgettable without worrying about the price tag.
Our last escort photo shoot for this year is on Friday 13th December, so if you’d like to earn cash for Christmas by becoming a Manchester escort, don’t delay – get your application in ASAP.
Click here to submit and application form online NOW!