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Small Adjustments in Your Bedroom: Sex & Relationship

Maintaining a relationship is very difficult especially if it is a romantic one. At the start or the beginning, everything seems very lovely and one can enjoy almost anything with their respective partners. However, as time goes one, things start falling into a routine and boredom slowly but surely sets in.

Therefore after a point of time even the strongest or the best of marriages sort of fall apart or drift into the mundane. It takes effort to maintain the spark and keep the magic alive within the marriage.

We asked our lovely escorts in Leeds and Liverpool to provide us with some tips that might help save a relationship or even a marriage. The following are tips that have been compiled after speaking to them –

  1. Flirt – This is the one thing that couples stop doing after they have completed a substantial amount of time together. It is always good to flirt with your wife or partner. It keeps thing interesting and fun while also communicating your love and adulation for your partner or wife. Surprise her with your flirtatious behaviour when she isn’t really expecting to see parts of it. You will instantly see the vibe between you’ll change into something much more beautiful.


  2. Buy gifts – The easiest way to make someone feel lived and wanted, buying gifts should be mandatory! After spending so much time together whether it is a marriage or relationship, giving gifts becomes increasingly difficult because you might have already gifted each other so many things. However, as time goes by, people also evolve and grow. Hopefully you and your wife or partner have also grown and you can use this evolution of your partner to gain better gifting ideas and surprise them with something new and beautiful.


  3. Be adventurous together- Do something that gives a spike to your dopamine levels. The reason that you two have probably stuck together for so long is because of the chemical mixture that took place within you when you’ll first met. Try and recreate that chemical mixture by something really adventurous together. Go for a safari or bungee jumping or even skydiving together. This will make you fall in love all over again and bring back those memories of joy and pride.


  4. Re-watch your favourite movie or T.V show–We all have that movie or TV show that we watched with our respective partners that we remember fondly and hold dearly. Go ahead and re-watch it with your partner. It might just be the medicine that the doctor ordered for your ailing relationship. It will bring back some of your olden and golden memories which will then ignite something useful.


  5. Play your song – Like how every couple has a movie or T.V show, they also have a special song. As someone has rightly said in the past, songs are the elixir of life. They give life to emotions that cannot be expressed in words alone. They are also intense time capsules that make a time come alive right in front of your eyes if you just play them at the right moment. Play your song that you remember sharing a nice moment with your wife to. It will bring back your memories and put you right where you’ll were when you first shared that moment together.


  6. Laugh with each other- Nothing makes people come together like laughter. Share laughs with your wife or partner in order to get back in the zone with each other. Studies have shown that laughter helps our physiology and keep[s everything balanced. It regulates blood flow as well as your breathing. So basically if you share a laugh with someone, it isn’t unlike meditating.

All of the above mentioned pointers are valid and relevant for you if you’re looking to get out of the rut that your marriage or relationship has fallen into. Don’t worry too much and try and enjoy yourself while being in the moment with your partner or our gorgeous Liverpool escort! It will work wonders gradually and you and your companion will feel elated.